Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday July 9

Today we hiked the Gap of Dunloe near Killarney.

Whenever we ask Christopher for a weather outlook, he replies, "Sunshine and showers."  So far this has proved 100%  accurate.

The advantage to hiking in cloudy weather is the relative coolness.  Photos can also be more dramatic.  We had no obscuring fog today, so a few showers were no big deal, except for the fact that my boots did not prove as impervious to water as I had hoped.  Ah well, I stuffed them with newspaper back at the B&B, replacing the wads a few times.  That will hopefully do the trick!

Jaunting carts are a popular way to traverse the Gap of Dunloe.  The drivers are known as jarveys.  We encountered at least 20, each carrying two to four tourists over the Gap and down the Black Valley to Lord Brandon's cafe, about an 8 mile trip.  From there, many of the tourists board a boat to cross the lake to Killarney.  Not us!  We walked the entire way to our rendezvous point on the N71 road with a taxi van arranged by Christopher.  This was not a loop hike, so involving another driver to drop us off and pick us up was the plan.

Most of the hike was on a paved road over the Gap shared by cars and jaunting carts and cyclists.  After our lunch break, we were walking on a forest track.  This is leprechaun country.  Mossy rocks look like soft cushions in amidst the trees.

This kind of holiday has it all: beautiful country, good exercise, a happily aching body, great company, and the prospect of a hot shower, a delicious meal and a comfortable bed at trail's end.  Perfection!

 So what if we're a bunch of soggy walkers?  It still doesn't get any better than this.

And so we squish on, reveling in the beauty around us and talking of the Murphy's ice cream we plan to enjoy later in the day.

Raise a pint of Killarney lager to Footfalls and dauntless leader Christopher!  Slainte!

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